Why I Should Never Pee on Sticks.

November 3, 2010 at 10:58 am | Posted in FET #5: Last Chance Waltz, Mythical #2 | 41 Comments

I just got the call from my clinic.

My beta level today was 68.9.

My nurse said: this is really good for a thaw cycle.

Repeat beta is Friday.


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  1. My best wishes and prayers are with you.

  2. So that’s a positive, right? It is low, but too low to be a false positive. (Sorry for the confusion – with my chemical, my beta was 7, and with my real pregnancy it was 5000, so I’m not totally sure). Anyway, I’ve been clicking refresh all morning, and I am glad you have good results. Good luck with Friday’s beta – I’ll keep my fingers crossed.

    • Sorry, just looked it up. Yay.

  3. I hope the nurse is right.

  4. Wow! What a whirlwind. But, yes, I have had similar things happen with pee sticks and betas.

    So, I say to thee, please back away from the HPTs.

    Hold on until Friday and the glorious notion that you, my friend, ARE PREGNANT!

  5. Whee! I can’t even begin to imagine the roller coaster ride of emotions you must be on right now.

    Someone told me once (might even have been you) that frosties are often slower to get going. Fair enough since they’ve been in the deep freeze.

    Can’t wait for Friday’s beta!

  6. See! That is why I never POS. That is awesome awesome awesome. My beta with Cam, 16 DPO, was a little over 100 (fresh cycle). Looking forward to your next beta and thinking all sorts of good thoughts for you.

  7. Awesome! Can’t wait for Friday.

  8. Sweet!!

    Leslie B.

  9. I hope the nurse is right and that her next call brings more good news. Go frosty!

  10. Awesome!

  11. Exciting. Hoping your repeat beta goes super.

  12. WOOT!!!! Keeping all things crossed here.

  13. My betas started lower and grew slower with my frozen than my fresh. Keep hope, and try to enjoy what might just be the first day of 9 months of good news. I know, easier said than done, but try.

  14. My beta was 51 on 14DPO with an IUI (not even a FET) and I went on to have a totally healthy PG!

  15. Awesomeness! My beta was 62 from a fresh cycle, so I think you are on the way…keeping my fingers and toes crossed for repeat beta!

  16. It sounds good, and the nurse seems positive (so quiet yipee over here!).
    I’m sorry about the mind games… It’s crazy and I empathize.
    Everything is crossed and I will be thinking of you from now til Friday!

  17. I’m so sorry for the mindf*** this all is. It’s one part of IF treatment I do not remember fondly. My first beta with my last pregnancy (single fresh embryo transfer) was lower than that and I have a perfect 6 month old now. I know that’s purely anectdotal, and means nothing until you’re holding your perfect baby in your arms. I think of you often, though I comment rarely. Unlike most people I knew, I found secondary infertility to be far more painful than primary infertility, so I don’t envy you this time at all.

  18. Hoping hoping hoping that we continue to see higher and higher numbers!

  19. May the numbers keep going up! YAY

  20. Yesssss!!!! I’ve also heard that betas are lower with FETs (makes perfect sense to me). Fingers and thumbs crossed for you.

  21. OMG OMG OMG!!! How to stand the suspense until Friday???

  22. Congrats

  23. squee and double squeee!

  24. YAAAY!

  25. Yay! Great news!

    Now…how do we make Friday get here faster?

  26. I’m very quietly and reservedly doing an amazing happy dance over here. I am sending the very best and most hopeful thoughts that you have the BEST possible repeat beta on Friday.

  27. YES!!!!!!! Sending positive vibes for Friday!!!

  28. I think Mo and Will just went through this too, and the consensus was that FET cycles tend to have lower betas than a fresh. So that sounds great!

  29. YEA! I pray that this Friday will bring AWESOME news! You have certainly been on a roller coaster ride!

  30. Nice!! Fingers crossed for Friday and beyond!

  31. A lurker here piping in to say I have my fingers crossed for you and your family! BTW my beta with twin girls (IUI) was 52 so you never know!

  32. Hahahhaaa!!! Yay!!! I’m so happy I’m laughing!!!! This is such wonderful news!! My beta with Grace was 68. And she was fresh. :o) Congratulations to you!!

  33. i heard….and i’m SO EXCITED!!!!!!!!!!
    jumping for joy for you in chicago!
    hugs…big, big hugs!

  34. Woot!woot!

  35. Yes! woo-hoo!

    Is it Friday yet?!?

  36. Thinking of you!!

  37. Yippidy freakin skippity! So, so happy for you. xo

  38. Fantastic!! I’m so excited for your family!

  39. I think it sounds like a great number! Friday is so far away though.

  40. Humming…smiling….VERY HAPPY …..frog on sunshine lily pad…over here…
    WHO HOO!!!!!!!!!

    love you, can’t wait for the numbers tomorrow.

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