“It was hard.”

November 8, 2007 at 12:46 pm | Posted in My life, Pregnancy | 10 Comments

Ahhh, MUCH better. I didn’t watch a girly flick last night – instead I watched “My.thbusters” (as both J and I are certified D.iscovery Channel addicts) and lay on my couch in my fleecy pants and top with a warm blanket. Then I went to bed an hour earlier than I have been this week, and I slept as well as I could possibly have wanted.

It was fantastic – exactly what I needed. And, in keeping with Bea’s Girls Night In, this very morning I donated to the Susan G. Komen “For the Cure,” a local Massachusetts charity dedicated to eradicating breast cancer. Though the prevalent disease in my family is heart-related, as I contemplate breastfeeding our potential baby I am reminded that there are many women in this world who don’t have that opportunity.

So. Last night I finally connected with a friend of mine – she and I hadn’t spoken for a while. We were very close in business school, but over the years we’ve just both been busy with other things. Not only does she have a full time job, but just had her second little girl (her first was a complete surprise). Despite our growing apart, I really wanted to tell her our news over the phone.

She was thrilled for us, of course. And during the course of our conversation, I mentioned that it was our 3rd IVF attempt and that it had taken us about 2 and a half years to get to this point, and how thankful we were, et cetera.

And she said “Oh my. Two and a half years? IVF? That must have been horrible.”

All I could say in response?

“Yes… it was hard.”

Because how could I explain everything that went along with it? The pain of failing again and again? The fear that we would never be parents? The guilt that I had maybe done something and was being punished? The longing for a baby of our own? The acceptance of being infertile and needing medical intervention? The wonderful support system I found in my sisters of the blogging community? 

So many emotions when I think if where I came from and where I am today. On my way into work today, I found myself thinking about how lately the thought has sprung up that Squishy was somehow MEANT to be ours. And if we hadn’t gone through the pain of infertility, I certainly wouldn’t feel as lucky as I do to be pregnant. Or feel a part of such an amazing community like I do.

I still believe wholeheartedly that our struggles have given me empathy, and patience, and forced me to realise that I do not have control over much in this life.

This knowledge?

It will make me a better parent. It has made me a better person.

So yes. It was hard.

But it was good, too.


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  1. Damn – that is a really good point.

    Youa re going to laugh at this, but I have been thinking ‘Why doesn’t that pregnant bitch (and I mean that in the nicest way, like yo bitch, want to go to the movies?) post anymore’. I had totally forgotten that you moved over to WordPress.

    Now I have to go catch up.

  2. I agree 100% that this is the child you were meant to have, and your path to this point has led you to him/her. I think you’ll feel this even stronger, even though it might not feel possible, once your baby is here. 🙂


  3. I feel the exact same way!

  4. “Because how could I explain everything that went along with it? The pain of failing again and again? The fear that we would never be parents? The guilt that I had maybe done something and was being punished? The longing for a baby of our own? The acceptance of being infertile and needing medical intervention? The wonderful support system I found in my sisters of the blogging community?”

    um, that sums up EXACTLY how i feel. i’m sure it does for a lot of us. although, getting those sentiments out would take me about 5 times more words and four posts.

    i don’t like telling people how hard it is either. why ruin them? and i HATE pity. and stupid comments.

    infertility has been so good for me. it has definitely made me a softer person.

    you won’t care how(of course the scar will be there but still) you got there when you’re holding the squish in your arms. and that’s a good reminder to us all.


  5. well said… I feel the exact same way!

  6. I recently met a woman at church who struggled w/ infertility for over 4 years. She talked about getting her period each month and sitting on the bathroom floor bawling “why, God? Why?” But last Christmas they were able to adopt the sweetest little girl. And she said “the moment I held her for the first time I knew WHY. because THIS was meant to be our child.” I know you’ll feel the same about Squishy.

  7. “It was hard.” Yes. How do you begin to explain?

    Great job on the night in – I’ve added you to the list. And I’m glad you can see the silver lining of your experiences over the last couple of years.


  8. I’ve been through a rough few patches in my life, of which infertility is just one. I agree with you, these things, major difficulties, are how you grow and the way you are shaped.

    I too have grown as a result of the IF struggle… Very well said. Your thoughts sparked a post for me, I think… 🙂

  9. This was a great post. I loved your comment on how all the waiting (and we all know waiting SUCKS) was because Squishy was meant to be yours. I think this is so true. My super-eccentric neighbor from childhood recently told me that she thinks my baby is hiding from me somewhere and when he/she is ready, they will come to me. Unlike most “two-cents” comments I get, I really liked what she was saying. It made sense. There is lots of good that comes from infertility. It’s just hard to see when we’re in the midst of it all.

  10. I feel that way every day. Inferitility is the gift that keeps on sucking but when I look into my little boy’s face I know that it was worth it because without it, I wouldn’t have “him”. So glad you are pregnant Serenity!

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