Morning cereal.

March 25, 2010 at 1:35 pm | Posted in motherhood | 16 Comments

It’s another morning. When you’re all dressed and ready, we go downstairs to the kitchen.

You can walk down the stairs all by yourself now, holding onto the bannister, and telling me that if you don’t hold on, you could “bang head on the WALL.”

You count the stairs just like I do.

When I ask you what you want for breakfast, you tell me cereal.

(You want my new favorite cereal – chocolate cheerios.)

You take the box from me when I get it out of the pantry, and walk over to the kitchen table, where you climb on to the bench, move the cereal box to the table, and sit down, your legs swinging, waiting patiently for me to bring over a bowl and spoon for you.

Then you demand “MILK!”

I oblige and pour the milk for you, and you dig in, saying “MMMM!!” with the first mouthful.

You pat the bench next to you and say “Mommy sit THERE!”

I bring my own bowl of cereal over.

And we sit, side by side, at the kitchen table.

I have this sudden vision of you and I in ten years. Sitting at the same table. Eating cereal.

Oh, kiddo. It’s going by so fast.


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  1. So true. The things we will take for granted a few years from now–they are just starting to learn.

    Chocolate cherrios, huh? Going to have to try those.

  2. It is so true. My son is 3 going on 10 already. Something has happened in the last two weeks where all visible toddler signs have melted away giving way to an industrious little boy.

    Thanks for the tip on the Chocolate Cheerios…I’ve seen them but didn’t know anyone who’d tried them.

  3. So cute!
    I am so scared of the time going so fast…

  4. Oh, I SO know what you mean.
    These moments are delightful.

  5. Oh this is a beautiful post! He is so gorgeous.

  6. *oh the tears that well up*
    I know , they are getting to be little boys now , where did all the time go?
    Loved this post.

  7. What a beautiful post.

  8. I know what you mean. I was driving in the car the other day with my 3 year old who had suddenly turned into a surly teenager – not quite as pleasant a projection as yours, but it’s so bittersweet to think of how far they have come and how far they will go!

  9. Great post. It does go by so quickly.

  10. Such a beautiful post, and one that makes me a little weepy. My boy is not yet 5 months old but already I can feel time just whipping past. Thanks for the reminder to cherish the present even as we look forward to the future.

  11. wonderful post. I can almost picture you 2 having your morning cereal! so sweet

  12. How did he get so grown up??

    What a lovely post.

  13. I just love this post. : )

  14. Don’t blink…


  15. I adore the increased communication and maturity. But the flip side is that we’re that much closer to them being grown up. It leaves me with such mixed feelings. Great post!

  16. We don’t have chocolate cheerios in Canada yet. . .

    But now I really wish we did!

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