Microblog Mondays #2: The Epiphany.

September 15, 2014 at 6:06 am | Posted in A Year of Mindfulness, Challenges, Going Outside my Comfort Zone, Microblog Mondays, Zen | 14 Comments


(Not sure what #MicroblogMondays is? Read the inaugural post which explains the idea and how you can participate too.)

I took a  6 hour embodiment workshop at a meditation center in Boston on Saturday, where I spent the morning learning how to live inside my body, to move WITH my body, and to be in the present moment. After eating lunch in silence (the BEST sandwich and salad I’ve ever tasted!), we walked to a park down the road from the center.

And as I was wandering between the trees, feeling the bark with my hands, looking up at the leaves blowing in the wind, it struck me that I needed to be more like a tree.

I’ve been living in the tops lately, blown about by the wind of anxiety and stress and worry and insomnia – afraid I’ll blow away.

What would happen if I stopped inhabiting that space in my mind and instead lived inside my body, rooted in the nourishing ground of my life, my friends and family and career and hobbies all helping me stand tall and thick?

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